Page 5

You can see the danger of the Sirens, but you wonder if there is also an opportunity.

“I wonder if the Sirens can sing any song,” you muse out loud.

“Indeed, my Captain. They know what their target desires most and can sing beyond the abilities of man.”

A plan begins to take form in your mind.

“What if what I most desired was swift passage through their waters and a quick return home? Would their singing tell me how to safely proceed?”

Eurylochus narrows his eyes.

“That hadn’t occurred to me, sir.”

You learned on Circe that magic is real. It would truly be delightful to make the magic work for you. You reflect on a wish you could keep in the forefront of your mind to shape the Sirens’ song.

“I wish to know how to conquer the Sirens.”

A smile spreads across your face at the delightful irony. You could fill your crew’s ears with wax, secure yourself to the mast, and repeat the mantra in your head until the Sirens have revealed their secret.

Then again, this plan may be far too risky.

To dismiss this plan, turn to Page 6.

To shape the Siren’s song, turn to Page 19.

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