Page 19

“I wish to know how to conquer the Sirens.”

There is wax in your crew’s ears.

“I wish to know how to conquer the Sirens.”

You are bound to the ship’s mast.

“I wish to know how to conquer the Sirens.”

In your head, you continue to repeat the mantra that has led you onwards.

“I wish to know how to conquer the Sirens.”

The mantra is true. You do wish to know how to conquer the Sirens. Nothing would make you happier than to quickly pass their treacherous waters and return to your homeland.

A shadow passes over your face. You look upwards and see sirens circling overhead.

The sight of the mythical creatures give you pause, but you again mouth your prayer.

Five sirens, taking the form of vultures with human heads, land on the ship in a tight circle around the mast. Your eyes scan the crowd, and you again repeat your affirmation. In a burst of feathers, they transform into beautiful maidens and begin singing.

“Page four hundred and fifty-three.”

Your resolve breaks at the crashing wave of confusion. As the sirens’ teeth tear into your neck, you wonder if the message was meant for someone else.

You are dead. The End.

Dead End?

Perhaps another path will let you survive The Siren’s Symphony.

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